Long Island Personal Injury Attorneys: What to Know When Seeking Help

More and more people are becoming aware of personal injury cases, but the question is, when and how personal injury cases should be filed. Some injuries, like a traumatic brain injury, may be serious enough to make filing for claims against the negligent party a logical move. Some cases, however, are not as cut-and-dried. To learn if you have a case, the best thing to do is to consult a seasoned Long Island personal injury attorney, who will review your case thoroughly and guide you on the next step to take. Here are some things you need to look into when considering filing for personal injury claims.

Long Island Personal Injury Attorneys What to Know When Seeking Help

Medical Records – The best thing to have in your hands before you approach an attorney is your medical records. These records must show the injuries and any symptoms you might have suffered or are suffering from, after the accident, even those that you think are minor. Certain symptoms of mild traumatic brain injury, for example, could easily go unnoticed, such as sleeping difficulties or mood swings. The lawyer could assess which symptoms may be valuable in proving your claims.

Police Records – If you were involved in a serious accident like a car collision, or was injured through medical malpractice, your first line of action should be going to the police and filing a report. This report will be also be closely examined by personal injury attorneys in Long Island to determine how it could affect your case.

Evidences – While medical and police records are good evidences on their own, it is always better to secure more, such as witnesses’ accounts. If you’re involved in a medical malpractice case, the testimony of an expert witness will be needed in proving your case. An experienced lawyer will know where and how to find such a witness.

Choosing An Attorney – Find someone who believes in the strength of your case at the get-go, and who is confident in his or her skills and abilities. This qualification usually comes with experience. If they have handled many similar cases before and have won majority of them then that is a good sign. Many firms like The Law Offices of Joseph Lichtenstein have a “No Win, No Pay” policy, which would indicate the level of confidence they have on their ability to help their clients get the claims they seek.

Personal injury cases are not just filed on impulse. You must evaluate your situation, and listen well to the counsel of legal professionals.


(Personal Injury: Three Features of Claims to Consider, Liberty Voice, March 6, 2015)

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