$47 Million
Verdict in Brooklyn Case for a Brain Injured Baby
$15.3 million
Verdict in an Erb's Palsy / Brachial Plexus injury, birth trauma case.. This was a record verdict
$9.3 million
Case that involved the claimed failure to timely diagnose meningitis in a 5 month old baby
$8 Million
Settlement Value in Nassau County Case for Brain Damaged Baby
$5 Million
Settlement in Queens Case for Woman injured by a truck
$4.4 Million
Settlement in Bronx Case for Woman with a Stroke
$4 Million
For child brain damaged because of medical malpractice - a case other prominent attorneys turned away
$4 Million
Settlement in Bronx Case for baby with cerebral palsy from medical Malpractice
$4 Million
Settlement in Bronx Case for Baby brain damages in Hospital
$2.75 Million
Settlement in Brooklyn Case involving a fire from a product defect
$2.6 Million
Verdict in New York City Case for a Man Dying from a Heart Attack
$2.5 Million
Settlement in Brooklyn Case for baby brain damages at birth
$2 Million
Settlement in an Orange County Case for a baby brain damaged at birth
$1.8 Million
Settlement after Verdict in Westchester County Case involving a truck accident